Photographic Storyteller

An explorer and adventure seeker from an early age, I was always willing to share my stories with anyone who would listen. As a youngster my imagination was as broad as the farm I grew up on and the animals I helped raise. My first exposure to documentary life was when our family took part in a televised farming documentary that was viewed across Canada; to me this was the big times, a TV crew filming me skipping up the steps of the big yellow school bus.

After years of focusing on my accounting career, I decided to return to my storytelling roots and created a travel blog “The Road Trip Hound”. The blog was met with fanfare in Calgary and the surrounding communities; however, I still longed to create stories that inspired, built bridges in the communities, and educated people of their surroundings. With this new found spirit I found myself traveling to the poverty ridden area of the Mississippi Delta to participate in a Documentary Photography Workshop, which was shared and welcomed by the community. While immersing myself into their culture I quickly realized that creating stories using photography was my true passion.

Researching documentaries became my pastime and with each new search I soon realized that documentaries of the grassroots communities of Alberta are severely lacking. Toady, I have decided to make an effort to bring those rich stories to life and share them with the communities and one day work the Alberta Archives to keep these stories alive for many generations.

If you would like to participate or know someone who would like to share their story please contact me via my website – theroadtriphound.com

41 replies

  1. I go to Calgary on business frequently. I look forward to reading your blog and hearing about places I might want to visit.

  2. I am so happy to see you doing this!! I will never forget our cross-country road trip! From your inability to drive a standard to my inability to stop snoring…we had a blast and I hope, one day, to find the time to drag my offspring along on the same journey 🙂 Happy writing! Miss you tons my friend 🙂

    • I often share our 22 year old story – especially when the drivers door became loose – which you held, while smoking, while you continued to steer the car, while driving standard! Four tasks, two hands! Then stopping at that “garage”, then the “farm”. I think they would now consider this “distracted driving” Highway #2 across the USA – great company, great memories! Highly recommended!

  3. Sounds interesting- I love photos and I have family in Calgary so I’ll enjoy a “look see”. Many thanks for following.

  4. Good idea and great execution. Maybe I will “steal” it and start documenting my own home town Södertälje in Sweden. Sort of doing it already on Panoramio but it be nice to write about it as well.

  5. Thanks so much for following me! Good to have you!

  6. Look forward to following your blog! I’ve been traveling to Calgary almost annually since 1991, and it’s one of my all-time favorite cities!

  7. I know what you mean…I’m a tourist in my city and love it when I can’t travel!

  8. Thanks for recently following my blog, your support means so much! I have to add, I just came back from my first real, ‘adult’ trip to Canada, and I loved it! Safe travels and big adventures : )

  9. Namaste…thank you for visiting and following my blog 🙂 I adore yours…

  10. Hi there…you have an awesome blog 🙂 just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, check it out here, http://marilyndavies.wordpress.com/

  11. We have family in Calgary and MHat – you’ve given us some things to check out on future visits. 🙂

  12. You are one of the 11 blogs that I’ve chosen to award the “Liebster Award”. Check it out for more details.

  13. I like your clear focus for your blog.

  14. I’m from Niagara, Ontario, but had lived in Edmonton for four years a few years ago. I never got to explore this province as much as I would’ve liked to. I’m currently on a trip, and am in High River, returning to Ontario in a week. I’m also a lover of history, involved with my local historical society, so I’m enjoying the scene here. Great blog you have, thanks for showing me what I’m missing out in this time around 🙂

    • Thank you very much for the compliment; and yes, I live in a great province, but I do miss living in Ontario. I miss the 4 seasons, especially on a day like today, actually I’m heading out right now to shovel more snow!
      I love reviewing historical societies, just to see what they offer. I will have to take the time to check out yours!
      Enjoy your time here in Alberta!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking it as it lead me to yours! Fantastic stuff 🙂 My boyfriend and I love road tripping and love to stay as far off the freeways as possible. You get to see so much more and there are always wonderful surprises. I look forward to reading more of your travels … happy road tripping!

  16. Hello, thank you for the ‘Like’ on my post. This is a fun blog you have here. 🙂

  17. Great idea…look forward to reading more… 😉

  18. Good for you! I understand the urge. I have done this for years on my old blog promptings and now my new blog promptings 2. Thanks for dropping by my Mural Monday post and dropping a ‘Like’!

  19. Hi! I’m glad I stumbled across your blog. I had fun camping out in here for a while. I’m looking forward to hearing more from you. Cheers! 🙂

  20. Hi Tracy,
    I think your blog is awesome and I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award, for bloggers with under 500 follows. Check out my post about it by following this link: http://justmeandmypack.wordpress.com/2014/04/08/new-bloggers-unite/
    Happy Writing!

  21. Really excited to have found your blog. I’m also a fellow Calgarian blogger and we seem to have similar views on life…really looking forward to reading more 🙂 have a great day!!